Acoustical analysis, products and design
Sound produced by mechanical equipment can disrupt a productive work environment. Many companies rely on specific acoustical specifications to produce their product.
Allied Technologies can assist design engineers in a total system review. In fact, we offer the most comprehensive and technologically advanced methods to achieve low db environments.
Call us today and we will review the mechanical systems and provide recommendations for sound attenuation required. These recommendations will vary from duct to duct guage selections, acoustical enclosures, to sound attenuator selections and "Quiet" air handling units.
Just as every business is different so is every facility. Each had different systems and sound requirements. Our recommendations will be specifically designed for your facility.
Sound produced by mechanical equipment can disrupt a productive work environment. Many companies rely on specific acoustical specifications to produce their product.
Allied Technologies can assist design engineers in a total system review. In fact, we offer the most comprehensive and technologically advanced methods to achieve low db environments.
Call us today and we will review the mechanical systems and provide recommendations for sound attenuation required. These recommendations will vary from duct to duct guage selections, acoustical enclosures, to sound attenuator selections and "Quiet" air handling units.
Just as every business is different so is every facility. Each had different systems and sound requirements. Our recommendations will be specifically designed for your facility.